The sanatorium "Krasivo" is held Quality Month

The sanatorium "Krasivo" is held Quality Month

The sanatorium "Krasivo" joins the infocampany. The staff of the sanatorium prepared talks, lectures, seminars and round tables on this topic. The quality of services is our brand. The main objectives of Roskachestvo are to improve the quality of life of Russian citizens, the development of quality institutions and the national quality system, and the growth of the country's economy. In accordance with paragraph 25 of the Priority Action Plan approved by Decree No. 533-r of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03/29/2018, Roskachestvo is entrusted with the responsible task of holding an annual infocampany - World Quality Week and Quality Day.

It is important to note that this year's activities will be held under the motto "Russia is a country with a quality mark". Every year, the number of federal subjects joining the nationwide Quality Day is growing.

This general movement provides an opportunity to talk about the quality of services and present the results of their activities, to highlight specialists working in the field of quality, as well as to share useful experiences and coordinate plans and projects for further development. The active holding of the Quality Day, wide coverage and public response of this event are not only a reflection of key areas of state policy that have a stimulating economic effect and high social significance, but also contribute to the formation of a sustained interest in quality services.