Active Lifestyle Week

Active Lifestyle Week

An active lifestyle promotion week is taking place in Russia from January 9th to 19th. Medical staff of the sanatorium "Krasivo" join with a significant information campaign. Informational materials, lectures, talks, flyers and booklets have been prepared for the guests of the sanatorium.

Physical activity is an essential element of maintaining health and a healthy lifestyle.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends ten thousand steps a day to maintain health and good physical fitness.

Currently, there is a large amount of scientific research on the relationship between physical characteristics and changes in the functional state of the cardiovascular system. Insufficient physical activity is one of the main risk factors for developing diseases.

People with low physical activity have a 33% higher risk of early death compared to those who devote enough time to physical activity. In addition, low physical activity increases the risk of developing heart disease. For example, the probability of arterial hypertension increases by 21%. Increasing the level of physical activity in people reduces the risk of depression and is a prevention of aging. Take care of yourself! We wish you good health!