Regional state Autonomous healthcare institution "Sanatorium "Krasivo" large resort of regional value.
the Sanatorium conducts the history since 1972, when pioneer camp was created holiday house "Krasivo". Originally the vacation house belonged to the Belgorod regional Council of management of the resorts of trade unions. In 1976, the rest home moved to Voronezh territorial Council for the management of the resorts of trade unions. In 1983 the staff of the sanatorium became the winner of the competition among institutions of Voronezh territorial Council for the management of the resorts of trade unions.
In June 1995, the house guests received the status of the sanatorium, the main profile of which was cardio of alergo-pulmonary. Now there appeared an opportunity not only to relax but also to be treated. In 1998, the sanatorium was transferred to the administration of the region and became a regional sanatorium somatic profile.
From 2001 to 2021, the life process of the sanatorium was led by director Cherkashina G.D.
In 2001 on the territory of the sanatorium "Krasivo" opened the regional center for gerontological.
In order to further improve treatment of patients in specialized sanatoriums at the expense of social insurance, improving the quality and availability of rehabilitation care of patients at the sanatorium in 2004 there was opened a Department for the treatment of postinfarction patients, patients after coronary artery bypass grafting, resection of an aneurysm of the heart and angioplasty of coronary vessels. The Department has all necessary for carrying out rehabilitation of this category of patients.
Today the facility is the largest modern resort, which can simultaneously take on the improvement of 450 campers. The staff of the sanatorium consists of 500 people, including 200 medical staff. The hospital has 3 candidates of medical Sciences, 50% of doctors have the highest and first qualification category 2 — awarded the badge "excellent health of the Russian Federation".
In the sanatorium is licensed 63 of the health services is more than 150 types of medical services.
In 2011, in accordance with the decree of the government of Belgorod region No. 134-RP dated 28.03.2011 of the year, the resort was renamed to the regional state Autonomous healthcare institution "Sanatorium "Krasivo".
Since 2021-23, the director of the sanatorium is Litvin Evgeny Yurievich, a finalist of the personnel competition "New Time" initiated by the governor of the region.
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