Injury Prevention Month

From February 1 to February 28, 2025, the Krasivo sanatorium hosted a month-long injury prevention course. As part of the information campaign, the sanatorium's medical staff conducted conversations with vacationers and staff, distributed memos and booklets, and showed videos and films about injury prevention on video monitors. Doctors and nurses shared information on this topic. Conversations and lectures on injury prevention aroused the interest of vacationers. It is important to remember that it is much easier to prevent injuries than to deal with their consequences. Injury prevention should become an integral part of everyone's life. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

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Week of Maintaining and Strengthening Immunity (in honor of World Immunity Day on March 1)

Every year since 2002, on the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO), World Immunity Day is celebrated on March 1. In 2025, from February 24 to March 2, a Week of maintaining and strengthening immunity is being held in Russia. The medical staff of the Krasivo sanatorium are joining a significant information campaign. 

                               The purpose of the infocampany:

• explain what the immune system is and what ways to strengthen it exist.;

• inform about the importance and features of the functioning of the immune system;

• To draw public attention to the problems related to the prevalence of various immune diseases.

These days, events and educational campaigns aimed at raising awareness of vacationers about the importance and peculiarities of the immune system are being held at the Krasno sanatorium. Thematic conferences are held to discuss issues related to strengthening the immune system, the influence of a number of factors and drugs on the immune system.

Immunity is the ability of the immune system to rid the body of genetically alien objects. Immunity is inherent in a person from birth. The effectiveness of the immune system depends on heredity, but proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle can significantly increase its activity. We wish you good health!

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Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

 February 23 is a holiday of strong—minded people, true patriots and sons of their Homeland. 

 February 23 carries a special historical meaning. On this day, we glorify and glorify the defenders of the Motherland, gratefully remembering their heroic deeds for their native land, paying a bright tribute to the soldiers and veterans. Congratulations to all the men who contribute to the prosperity of Russia with their daily work. 

 Happy holidays to you, dear defenders of the Fatherland! We sincerely wish you good health, prosperity, and happiness! We appreciate everything you do for us, and we are very proud of you! May all decisions be correct, actions courageous and worthy, words weighty, and love for relatives, family, and friends be fervent, strong, and faithful. May pride and respect for military and labor exploits, and a sense of love for the Motherland always be kept in everyone's heart! Let any dreams come true, making life even happier. Light up the world with the torch of your inspiration and may our great Power be as strong as steel from your contribution to its success and prosperity!

  Happy holidays!

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Men's Health Week will be held from February 17 to 23, 2025

Many men's health problems are associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system and vegetative-vascular disorders.  Men are more likely to suffer from coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and arterial hypertension. The question of how to keep a man healthy is the subject of close attention. The doctors of the Krasivo sanatorium join a significant information campaign, informing vacationers about the importance of medical examinations and professional examinations, conducting talks and lectures. 

Lead a healthy lifestyle, namely:

- Give up bad habits, including smoking and drinking alcohol. 

- Smoking can lead to bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular diseases. 

- Adhere to the principles of proper healthy eating. It is recommended to increase your daily intake of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Include nuts in the diet. It is necessary to limit salt intake to 1 teaspoon per day. Sugar intake should be no more than 5% of total calorie intake, and saturated fat intake should be no more than 10% of total calorie intake.

Increase your physical activity An adult should engage in moderate-intensity physical activity for at least 30 minutes daily. It is important to think about your health as early as possible in order to devote most of your life to creation and creativity. Be healthy!

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Your heart needs care.

  The week of awareness about heart diseases (in honor of the International Day of awareness about heart defects on February 14) is held in the sanatorium "Krasivo" from February 10 to February 16.  Medical workers, doctors and nurses of the Krasivo sanatorium join the information campaign and hold talks, seminars, health hours, conferences and lectures on a significant topic.  Diseases of the cardiovascular system are diverse and widespread, they affect people of all age groups.

  Heart defects are diseases caused by a violation of the structure of the heart valves or a narrowing of the openings that they close. Patients with heart defects mainly suffer from signs of heart failure.  It is important to pay attention to the prevention of the development of acquired heart defects. Measures to prevent the development of acquired heart defects include a healthy lifestyle, rehabilitation of infectious foci, hardening, and improving the fitness of the body. For the purpose of monitoring, a follow-up by a cardiologist is necessary.

   When a heart defect is detected in a patient, he is put on the dispensary register and recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle: avoid heavy physical exertion, eat rationally, normalize body weight, give up smoking and alcohol. These simple rules will help prevent the progression of the disease. Be healthy!!!

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Cancer is not a sentence! Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat!

    Cancer Prevention Week will be held in Russia from 03 to 09 February 2025 (in honor of World Cancer Day on 4 February). Medical workers, doctors and nurses of the Krasivo sanatorium join the information campaign and hold talks, seminars, health hours, conferences and lectures on a significant topic. 

     It is possible to diagnose oncological diseases with the help of regular professional examinations and medical examinations. The best prevention of diseases is to lead a healthy lifestyle, namely:

1. Abstaining from tobacco.

2. Commitment to proper nutrition.

3. Maintaining body weight.

4. Regular physical activity.

     Early detection of oncological diseases makes it possible to provide the most effective treatment. Many risk factors are behavioral and can be adjusted. Smoking and other harmful habits are the most important risk factor for cancer. Modern medicine has a wide range of techniques that can deal with most types of tumors if the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage. Go through medical examinations and professional examinations. Cancer is not a sentence! It can be treated or prevented by having information about the disease. This is exactly the goal pursued by the world medical community, establishing World Cancer Day. We wish you good health!

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Drug Use Prevention Week

A Week of drug Use Prevention is taking place in Russia. Medical workers, doctors and nurses of the Krasivo sanatorium join the information campaign and hold talks, seminars, health hours, conferences and lectures on a significant topic. 

Drug addiction is one of the most serious problems of modern society. Drugs are substances that can affect the nervous system and cause a change in human consciousness. The main sign of drug addiction development is drug addiction. 

Alcohol and tobacco are also psychoactive substances, although they are not legally considered drugs. And due to the constant stimulation of the body's systems, addicts' heart muscle is rapidly depleted, and immunity is significantly reduced. 

Remember, drug addiction is a short life. One of the methods of addiction prevention is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Take care of yourself! We wish you good health!

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Diseases that can be avoided

Since January 20, the Russian Ministry of Health has been holding a Week of Prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases. The medical staff of the Krasivo sanatorium are joining a significant information campaign. We have prepared booklets, flyers, talks and popular science films for vacationers. 

Chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are caused not by infections, but by a combination of genetic, physiological, environmental, and behavioral factors characterized by a prolonged course.

The main types of CVD include diseases of the circulatory system, malignant neoplasms, respiratory diseases and diabetes mellitus.

                                 The main risk factors for the development of CNID:

- smoking;

- irrational nutrition;

- low physical activity;

- alcohol consumption;

- stress.

     Some of the risk factors cannot be changed (gender, age, heredity), but we can control most of the risk factors.

Conclusion: the most effective way to prevent CVD is to adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, increase physical activity and give up bad habits.

The most important role in the prevention of diseases is played by monitoring the state of health, regular preventive medical examinations and medical examinations. Take care of yourself today, give up bad habits and get a routine checkup. We wish you good health!

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All-Russian campaign for the prevention of childhood injuries

Medical workers of the sanatorium "Krasivo" join the All–Russian campaign - Safety of children in winter.

Winter time is the most wonderful and joyful time of the year. At this time of the year, it is especially important to follow certain rules so that this time of the year is comfortable and safe for your children. Do not leave your children without control – thereby provide them with vivid emotions and a festive mood during the New Year holidays. The safety of children in winter also depends on adults. 

     Observe the general and important rules of outdoor behavior in winter.

There are some rules of behavior in winter when walking with children.:

***The most important thing is that your child is dressed according to the temperature conditions.

***After walking, do not forget to dry your clothes and shoes after your children's winter activities.

***When walking with a child, it should be explained to him so that the child does not push other children, as this may result in injury.

***You can't throw snowballs at your head or face.

***If your child wants to build a snow tunnel, then you should dissuade him from this idea, as the snow tunnel may collapse.

*** You should not eat snow, ice, suck icicles, and of course lick metal structures.

***You can not jump on snowdrifts, there may be fragments of bottles, construction debris, stumps, etc. We wish you good health!

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