Healthy Food Promotion Week

From December 16 to 22, a Week of promoting healthy eating is being held in Russia as part of the National Health Project. Medical workers of the sanatorium "Krasivo" join a significant information campaign. Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet helps to avoid metabolic disorders and associated diseases.

It is important to focus on the inclusion of necessary diet-forming foods (fish 2 times a week, nuts, vegetables and fruits). The problem of the modern world is fast food, fast food.                       

On the one hand, it is simple and convenient, it saves time. But by consuming such food daily, your body is unlikely to say "thank you" to you. And even if you feel good now, this does not mean that your health will be at the same level in the future.

If you decide to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet, you will have to reduce the consumption of the following as much as possible:

all kinds of sweets (bakery and confectionery products, cookies and chocolate bars, ice cream);

smoked products, canned food;

fatty, spicy, salty, fried food;

chips, salted nuts, crackers;

semi-finished products (flakes, balls);

carbonated water and industrial juices.

Good health is an effective result of working on yourself and your food preferences. This requires willpower, self-discipline, and loyalty to your principles. And then your body will reward you with wonderful well-being and longevity. We wish you good health!

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The week of responsible attitude to health

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. According to WHO, human health is determined by 50% lifestyle, 20% habitat and 10% depends on the health system. WHO defines responsible health as the ability of individuals, families and communities to promote health. 

                 What does a responsible attitude to health include?:

1. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle;

2. Monitoring your own health;

3. Responsible use of products for self-care of health, proper storage and use of medicines.

Today, people have much more opportunities to prevent the development of serious complications. And the first thing to start with is the correction of modifiable risk factors. These include control of blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, abstinence from alcohol and smoking, and adherence to a healthy lifestyle. 

The most important rule is to consult a doctor for any complaints, whether it is seasonal acute respiratory viral infections or exacerbation of chronic diseases. But the responsibility lies precisely in the fact that the patient should take care of his health no less than the doctor, because this is primarily in his interests. Regularly undergo preventive medical examinations or medical examinations: they will allow you to identify diseases when there are no symptoms yet. Take care of yourself!

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Prevention of the use of nicotine-containing products

Tobacco addiction is one of the most common deadly habits of mankind! As part of the National Healthcare Project, a week of prevention of nicotine-containing products is being held in Russia from December 2 to December 8, 2024.

Nicotine is a toxic alkaloid. Once in the human body, it affects certain areas of the brain. The receptors located on the bodies of dopamine neurons have the highest sensitivity to it. When interacting, nicotine provokes the release of dopamine, thereby forming a human reflex of getting pleasure after smoking. And at the same time, the so-called "withdrawal syndrome" or "withdrawal reaction". This is a condition after smoking, when headache, weakness, lower blood pressure, increased anxiety and irritability, problems with concentration, etc. may appear. In an effort to get rid of such a reaction of the body, smokers resume tobacco consumption. This is how addiction is formed.

The World Health Organization states that 10% of smokers suffer from cancer caused by tobacco. In 90% of cases, smoking causes lung cancer. At the same time, if someone thinks that e-cigarettes are less harmful than conventional ones, they are deeply mistaken. There are no nicotine–containing devices that could be consumed without danger to health.

Smoking is the worst experiment on yourself.  And the best thing a person can do for their health is not to start smoking at all. Take care of yourself!

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AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Disease Awareness Week (in honor of World AIDS Day on December 1)

HIV infection is a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. HIV affects the human immune system, eventually depriving it of the ability to resist other diseases and infections.

AIDS is the last stage of the development of HIV infection, when the body's immune system exhausts its resources and ceases to resist opportunistic foreign agents.  The virus is transmitted from one person to another in only three ways: The sexual pathway. Through the blood. Infection of a child from an HIV-infected mother. There are no other ways to transmit HIV infection. Today, HIV infection is not a verdict, because timely initiation of treatment, refusal to use drugs, allows you to transfer the disease to the category of a chronic controlled disease.

It is necessary to know and remember what will help to avoid HIV infection: protected sexual contact; mutual fidelity of partners to each other. Despite ongoing global efforts to overcome HIV/However, the number of new infections remains very high. 

The only way to fight AIDS is to prevent and maintain your body. It is necessary to know exactly your HIV status so that, if the virus is detected in the body, you can start treatment on time without leading to fatal consequences. Take care of yourself!

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Antimicrobial Resistance Week

The week from November 18 to 24, 2024, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation declared Antimicrobial Resistance Week (in honor of the World Week of Proper Use of Antimicrobial Drugs).  The resistance or resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics is a serious and complex problem affecting every person. Antibiotics and other antimicrobial drugs, when taken without control, become less effective against infections.

               How can antibiotic resistance be prevented:

• give up self-medication;

• Carefully follow the antimicrobial treatment regimen prescribed by your doctor;

• do not replace the drug with another one without consulting a specialist;

• do not take antibiotics "for prevention".

To prevent infection, wash your hands regularly, observe hygiene during cooking, avoid close contact with patients, and get vaccinated against serious diseases. Remember that only a doctor should prescribe antibacterial drugs. Irrational administration and use of antimicrobial drugs leads to bacterial resistance and, if a disease occurs, the antibiotic that was prescribed irrationally may not have a therapeutic effect. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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International Smoking Cessation Day

  Every year, on the third Thursday of November, at the initiative of the International Society of Oncologists and with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Day of Smoking Cessation is celebrated. In 2024, the event will be held on November 21. The medical staff of the sanatorium "Krasivo" join the information campaign and have prepared lectures, talks, leaflets and videos on a significant topic.

   The purpose of the International Day of Smoking Cessation is to contribute to reducing the prevalence of tobacco dependence, involving all segments of the population in the fight against smoking, preventing tobacco smoking and informing society about the harmful effects of tobacco on health.

   The tobacco epidemic is one of the most serious threats to public health that has ever arisen in the world. WHO experts note that all forms of tobacco use are harmful to health, and there is no harmless dose of tobacco. In recent years, vapes, which are cigarettes with electronic filling, have become widespread. Smoking electronic devices is promoted as a safe alternative to conventional cigarettes. However, e-cigarettes are also unsafe.

   It should be noted that with good awareness of the dangers of smoking for health, people tend to get rid of nicotine addiction, but the habit of smoking is so strong that there is no way to give it up.

We urge residents and guests of the Donetsk city district to take advantage of this information and think about their health and the health of their loved ones!

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It's so cool!

The latest news about modern approaches to a healthy lifestyle, relevant messages from Russian healthcare experts, research results and interesting materials on current topics and many other useful and interesting information on the SO HEALTHY website

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Diabetes Week

    November 14 is World Diabetes Day, which was introduced in 1991 by the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization in response to the threat of increasing diabetes worldwide. November 14th was chosen in order to perpetuate the merits of the doctor - F. Bunting. The urgency of the problem is due to the scale of the spread of diabetes mellitus. The medical staff of the sanatorium "Krasivo" join the information campaign and hold talks, seminars, lectures, distribute posters, flyers, booklets on a significant topic.

    The goal of World Diabetes Day is to raise awareness about diabetes — not only about the number of people with diabetes, but also about how to prevent the development of this disease in many cases. Today, diabetes ranks fourth among the causes of premature mortality. Every 10-15 years, the total number of patients doubles. In order to keep the disease under control and live a full life, it is necessary to follow the rules.

    Avoid being overweight and exercise.

    Give up smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

    Regularly monitor blood glucose levels, blood pressure, total cholesterol and at least once a year undergo a full medical examination and medical examination, as well as not to expose yourself to stress and follow a diet. Take care of yourself!

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Remember about mental comfort

From November 4 to 10, 2024, Russia is hosting a Week of Maintaining Mental Comfort (in honor of the International Stress Awareness Week). The main offender of mental comfort is stress (translated from English as "pressure", "tension"). Stress can be positive and negative, acute and chronic.  Severe negative acute and chronic stress often leads to adverse consequences. 

It is almost impossible to avoid stress, since a person, when faced with various situations at home and at work, reacts emotionally to these events. The intensity of the labor process differs among people of different professions.  To minimize the negative effects of stress, stick to such attitudes:

1. Try to lead a measured life. Plan your working day in advance. 

2. Get enough sleep! An adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep on average.

3. Do not eat "on the run": breakfast, lunch and dinner should be a rest time. 

4. Do not try to relieve stress with tobacco or alcohol. 

5. Physical activity will help to relieve emotional stress. 

6. Take some time every day to relax and read. Draw, make music if you play an instrument, sing, sew, embroider.

7. Find time to distract yourself, switch to activities that cause you positive emotions: going to a museum, cinema and nature walks.

8. There is no way to change the circumstances of life — change your attitude towards them. Carefully analyze your experiences.                           9. Focus on the positive: the circumstances of your life are often better than you think. Just take an objective look at yourself.

10. Watch your mood as well as your appearance. A friendly facial expression and smile will improve your mood and health. 

Believe in yourself!

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Stroke Control Week (in honor of World Stroke Day on October 29)

The World Health Organization has declared stroke a global epidemic. Every year, on October 29, World Stroke Day is celebrated, which was established by the World Stroke Organization in 2006 to call for urgent action in the global fight against this disease. The medical staff of the sanatorium "Krasivo" join the infocampany – hold lectures, talks and organize screenings of popular science, documentaries on a significant topic.

 Events dedicated to World Stroke Day are aimed at raising awareness of citizens about the problem of stroke, knowledge of the signs of stroke and the order of independent actions and actions of people around them, the importance of proper and timely first aid, the need for timely medical examinations and preventive medical examinations, the need to correct risk factors and control physiological parameters.

    In 2024, the World Stroke Day will be held under the motto:

"Raising awareness and stepping up action on stroke prevention." Raising awareness about stroke, its risk factors and the importance of timely intervention helps people recognize the signs of stroke and take prompt action. Prevention propaganda suggests taking your health under control by leading a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, finding hobbies, hiking, eating right, which will significantly reduce the risk of stroke. Support for stroke survivors and rehabilitation activities can help them return to normal life. Take care of yourself!

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