Alcohol Control Month from 01. 09. 2024. to 30. 09. 2024, in honor of World Sobriety Day

Alcohol Control Month from 01. 09. 2024. to 30. 09. 2024, in honor of World Sobriety Day

In Russia, World Sobriety Day is being held - the day of abstinence from alcohol. The medical staff of the sanatorium "Krasivo" join the information campaign and have prepared talks, lectures, booklets, videos and leaflets for vacationers. Alcohol is one of the most common drugs in the world. An attempt to lower the level of anxiety and fear with alcohol, raise the mood and drown out the feeling of loneliness turns into severe depression and the formation of a stable dependence on an easily available narcotic drug.

Whatever the reasons for drinking alcohol, a person eventually discovers that none of his problems have been solved, which leads to a new attack of unwillingness to solve these problems and a new alcoholic oblivion. The circle closes, tightly holding its victim in alcoholic fetters. Experts emphasize that there are no safe doses of alcohol, and the safest degree is zero. Alcohol has a negative effect on almost all cells of the human body. Oxygen starvation begins in the human brain after drinking alcohol, as a result memory loss, decreased mental abilities and personality degradation. Ethanol methodically destroys the body, destroys family and friendships, moral principles, the ability to think and analyze. Giving it up will help you regain your health and position in society, feel the joy of critical thinking and the ability to look at the world soberly. Take care of yourself!