Calorie Counting Promotion Week

Calorie Counting Promotion Week

 A week of popularization of calorie counting has begun in Russia. 

 Currently, it is noted that in everyday life, most people have insufficient physical activity. Many of us don't need to spend a lot of energy and do hard physical labor. At the same time, we began to consume more food. 

 A reliable relationship has been established between excess weight and such serious chronic diseases as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke, and oncological diseases. Recently, it has been noted that Russians consume less fish, fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, and more bread products, potatoes, red meat, and processed meats (sausages). We eat sweets in excess, and above all, sugar. For all those who are determined to fight excess weight, the doctors of the Krasivo sanatorium recommend keeping calorie counts.

 The numbers must be written down. At first, you need to be disciplined: train yourself to count calories and add the foods you eat to your diary before each meal. But after 1-2 months, an approximate daily menu will be formed, and you will be able to determine your meal allowance without calculations. Experts also recommend avoiding fast food and confectionery consumption in everyday life, and planning your menu for tomorrow in advance.  Take care of yourself!