Cancer is not a sentence! Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat!

Cancer is not a sentence!  Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat!

    Cancer Prevention Week will be held in Russia from 03 to 09 February 2025 (in honor of World Cancer Day on 4 February). Medical workers, doctors and nurses of the Krasivo sanatorium join the information campaign and hold talks, seminars, health hours, conferences and lectures on a significant topic. 

     It is possible to diagnose oncological diseases with the help of regular professional examinations and medical examinations. The best prevention of diseases is to lead a healthy lifestyle, namely:

1. Abstaining from tobacco.

2. Commitment to proper nutrition.

3. Maintaining body weight.

4. Regular physical activity.

     Early detection of oncological diseases makes it possible to provide the most effective treatment. Many risk factors are behavioral and can be adjusted. Smoking and other harmful habits are the most important risk factor for cancer. Modern medicine has a wide range of techniques that can deal with most types of tumors if the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage. Go through medical examinations and professional examinations. Cancer is not a sentence! It can be treated or prevented by having information about the disease. This is exactly the goal pursued by the world medical community, establishing World Cancer Day. We wish you good health!