August 23 - Phytotherapy Day

August 23 - Phytotherapy Day

On August 23, the doctors of the sanatorium "Beautifully" held a day of herbal medicine.

Round table and lecture on the use of medicinal plants, in the treatment of patients was organized by the acting chief physician of the sanatorium "Beautifully" Pankov Alexander Sergeevich. Educational activities of vacationers were carried out with the help of conversations, posters, booklets, leaflets and other means of visual agitation. At the turn of the third millennium, humanity made one of the most important conclusions in the field of biology and medicine: drugs of natural origin were recognized as the most harmless and at the same time therapeutically the most effective. Nowadays, a good half of medicines all over the world have a natural origin. Many drugs have been developed on the basis of natural substances of plants. The very idea of herbal medicine, today, is actively supported by medical professionals. According to experts, herbal preparations should be used in complex therapy in approximately 75% of all patients. 

In the sanatorium "Beautifully" the method of phytotherapy is used very actively. Vacationers especially like the fragrant herbal tea "Krasivsky". This is our brand.Doctors have developed a recipe for collecting medicinal herbs. A wonderful and fragrant tea is prepared in the phytobar of the sanatorium "Beautifully" according to a special recipe. "Beautiful" herbal tea helps to strengthen the immune system and increase the body's defenses, regulate blood pressure and improve mood.  The flora of the earth is a huge, inexhaustible storehouse of medicines. The total number of studied medicinal plants has more than twelve thousand species. The good traditions of herbal medicine have been living for several centuries, and a huge practical experience has been accumulated in this area, which is used by the doctors of the sanatorium "Beautifully".