Remember about mental comfort

Remember about mental comfort

From November 4 to 10, 2024, Russia is hosting a Week of Maintaining Mental Comfort (in honor of the International Stress Awareness Week). The main offender of mental comfort is stress (translated from English as "pressure", "tension"). Stress can be positive and negative, acute and chronic.  Severe negative acute and chronic stress often leads to adverse consequences. 

It is almost impossible to avoid stress, since a person, when faced with various situations at home and at work, reacts emotionally to these events. The intensity of the labor process differs among people of different professions.  To minimize the negative effects of stress, stick to such attitudes:

1. Try to lead a measured life. Plan your working day in advance. 

2. Get enough sleep! An adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep on average.

3. Do not eat "on the run": breakfast, lunch and dinner should be a rest time. 

4. Do not try to relieve stress with tobacco or alcohol. 

5. Physical activity will help to relieve emotional stress. 

6. Take some time every day to relax and read. Draw, make music if you play an instrument, sing, sew, embroider.

7. Find time to distract yourself, switch to activities that cause you positive emotions: going to a museum, cinema and nature walks.

8. There is no way to change the circumstances of life — change your attitude towards them. Carefully analyze your experiences.                           9. Focus on the positive: the circumstances of your life are often better than you think. Just take an objective look at yourself.

10. Watch your mood as well as your appearance. A friendly facial expression and smile will improve your mood and health. 

Believe in yourself!

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