The week of awareness about heart diseases (in honor of the International Day of awareness about heart defects on February 14) is held in the sanatorium "Krasivo" from February 10 to February 16. Medical workers, doctors and nurses of the Krasivo sanatorium join the information campaign and hold talks, seminars, health hours, conferences and lectures on a significant topic. Diseases of the cardiovascular system are diverse and widespread, they affect people of all age groups.
Heart defects are diseases caused by a violation of the structure of the heart valves or a narrowing of the openings that they close. Patients with heart defects mainly suffer from signs of heart failure. It is important to pay attention to the prevention of the development of acquired heart defects. Measures to prevent the development of acquired heart defects include a healthy lifestyle, rehabilitation of infectious foci, hardening, and improving the fitness of the body. For the purpose of monitoring, a follow-up by a cardiologist is necessary.
When a heart defect is detected in a patient, he is put on the dispensary register and recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle: avoid heavy physical exertion, eat rationally, normalize body weight, give up smoking and alcohol. These simple rules will help prevent the progression of the disease. Be healthy!!!
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