Horse riding for health in the sanatorium

Horse riding for health in the sanatorium

Horse riding is very popular among vacationers and employees of the Health Resort "Krasivo". This is a great opportunity to relax emotionally, relieve nervous tension and the burden of problems that constantly haunt us in the city bustle.

Just imagine: a walk on horseback in the early morning through the awakening forest, singing with all the voices of birds, or through a valley still wet with dew, or maybe along the river coast, deserted at this hour, and filled only with the noise of pines, wind, rustling leaves and other sounds of nature. Here you can immerse yourself in your own world, where the mind takes a break from constant thoughts, where the head becomes "clean", where the lungs breathe "full chest".

I would like to quote one of the first enthusiasts of therapeutic riding in France, Professor Yu.Lalleri, who said: "Riding a horse gives you a sense of independence, allows you to adapt to circumstances alone, while discovering that you can live with pleasure, and not just in tension and suffering."

"MAY-MONTH AGAINST SMOKING" and promotion of a healthy lifestyle