About the dangers of Smoking

About the dangers of Smoking

Tobacco was brought to Europe after Columbus discovery of America and then it spread around the world through trade. Today, according to the world Health Organization, one third of the world adult population smoke tobacco.

Tobacco smoke contains such a substance as nicotine it is a stimulant, which increases dopamine levels in the brain and causes euphoria in smokers. Nicotine temporarily relieves the feeling of anxiety that occurs when Smoking cessation for a short period of time. However, he does not reduce irritability in Smoking.

the Main part of nicotine neutralizes body, but even the remaining  parts is enough to induce somatic and psychological effects, and to dependence. In the works Benowitz and Henningfield it was found that the degree of physical dependence caused by a nicotine than caffeine and marijuana.

Numerous medical studies indicate a clear link Smoking with cancer, emphysema, diseases of the cardiovascular system and many other health problems. Tobacco is the second leading cause of death in the world. Life expectancy of smokers is less than 13 years than  non-smokers.

the Main negative impact in the body falls on the respiratory system. Tobacco smoke damages the respiratory epithelium, causing morning cough of the smoker,and leads to the development of bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema and cancer. In smokers the risk of developing active TB is increased by 2-4 times.

90% of deaths from lung cancer in men and 80 % in women caused by Smoking. Tobacco smoke is a strong carcinogen. It inhibits antitumor immunity. It is composed of substances are able to damage the DNA of cells that leads to malignancy. The main substances trigger the disease of lung cancer in smokers are considered as polonium, radon, nitrosamines and benzpyrene contained in the tar of tobacco.

it Should be noted that tobacco Smoking is dangerous not only for smokers themselves, but also for those around them. Increases the likelihood of lung cancer and breast cancer in passive smokers, increased risk of heart disease, asthma, miscarriages (in pregnant women) and other health problems.

All of the above - a reason to quit. Positive changes in quitting Smoking not long to wait:

  • after two hours, nicotine starts to leave the body;
  • twelve hours carbon monoxide from Smoking out of the body completely, the lungs begin to function better;
  • two days later, the smell and taste sensitivity will become more acute;
  • in seven to nine weeks of subtle olfactory channels will finally be cleared of resin and soot;
  • after three months the functioning of the circulatory system is improved;
  • three to nine months shortness of breath, cough and breathing problems become less pronounced, lung function increases by 10 %;
  • in five years the risk of myocardial infarction is two times less than in smokers.

as a conclusion, we note that modern research has shown that Smoking is a socially contagious phenomenon. It turned out that Smoking is easier to quit Smoking if quit Smoking one of his closest friends or relatives. Thus, the fight against Smoking is not only a problem to be solved by the smoker, but society as a whole.