World Healthy Sleep Week

World Healthy Sleep Week

Sleep is a basic human ability, the same as mine, like a saw or water. However, many of us forget about this, because there is a whole sea of interesting activities that are much more pleasant or more important than sleep. A meeting with friends or a good book, an urgent work project or an important exam — and now we go to bed at 3 o'clock in the morning, promising ourselves that, then we will definitely sleep it off! "Later", which is characteristic, never comes. In order to draw attention to this problem, a Universal Health Holiday was celebrated in 2008.

Why does a person need sleep?

Sleep is aware of the forces, helps to comprehend everything that happened during the day, listens and reflects, normalizes blood pressure, relieves the brain of toxins, normalizes hormone levels and much, much more. For a full recovery, doctors recommend an adult to sleep at least 7-9 hours a day. How many follow these recommendations? Alas! Scientists talk about the real empathy of lack of sleep, and this means that they are a consequence for both the physiological and psychological state of a person.

In the sanatorium "Krasivo" for normalization of sleep, vacationers can attend sessions of autogenic training and relaxation in the room of psychological relief. Doctors recommend relaxation in the sensory room, speleotherapy, music and aromatherapy and walks in the woods before going to bed. And sleep in the cozy cottages of our sanatorium will be healing and long-lasting. Therefore, sleep.

Try hard!