World Hypertension Week

World Hypertension Week

Every year, since 2005, on the initiative of the World Health Organization, in close cooperation with the World League against Hypertension and the International Society of Hypertension, the World Week against Arterial Hypertension is celebrated from May 10 to 17. In 2023, the World Week against Arterial Hypertension will be held under the motto "Accurately measure your blood pressure. Control it. Live longer."

The main purpose of educational events is to promote awareness of vacationers and employees about one of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system – arterial hypertension.

In the sanatorium "Beautifully" doctors have prepared lectures, talks, leaflets, booklets, seminars, documentaries and videos. Medical professionals recommended to remember the need to regularly measure and know your blood pressure figures, as well as follow a proper diet, lead an active lifestyle and give up bad habits. These recommendations require the patient to actively participate in maintaining and strengthening their health and teach how to take control of their life.