World Tuberculosis Day

World Tuberculosis Day

Every year, on March 24, the World Tuberculosis Day is held all over the world. This year the event will be held under the slogan "Yes! We can eliminate tuberculosis!". Educational meetings are held in the sanatorium "Krasivo" on this day to focus the attention of vacationers on health problems and the need for timely examination.Every year, on March 24, the World Tuberculosis Day is held all over the world. This year the event will be held under the slogan "Yes! We can eliminate tuberculosis!". Educational meetings are held in the sanatorium "Krasivo" on this day to focus the attention of vacationers on health problems and the need for timely examination. Medical professionals prepare lectures and talks, booklets and brochures, films and videos. Healthy lifestyle is actively promoted.

Currently, tuberculosis is one of the most important social and biomedical problems. Tuberculosis affects people of different genders, ages and social status. To protect yourself and your loved ones from tuberculosis infection, it is necessary to remember to observe a number of rules:

  • get vaccinated on time;
  • undergo an annual fluorographic examination;
  • monitor the diet, give the body adequate daily physical activity, giving up bad habits.

The fight against tuberculosis is a task that every person should set for himself!