Code of Conduct for employees of the Sanatorium State Medical Institution.

The values and Code of Conduct of the sanatorium staff are determined by the mission of the sanatorium:

"Providing high-quality spa treatment to patients of the Belgorod and other regions of the Russian Federation on the basis of the use of natural healing resources and modern technologies".

When providing spa services, employees of the organization are guided by the corporate rules of conduct.


  1. Preserving the health of patients;
  2. Continuous improvement in professional activity;
  3. Innovative development of the material and technical base;
  4. Collective responsibility;
  5. Using the principles of "Lean manufacturing"in their work.


The corporate culture of the sanatorium "Krasno" is formed in the combination of the dominant material and spiritual values, philosophy, norms of behavior, traditions of hospitality, psychological climate, culture of speech and speech etiquette.

  1. In the official behavior of the employee, it is necessary to proceed from the constitutional provisions that the person, his rights and freedoms are the highest value.
  2. The employees of the sanatorium are called upon to promote by their official behavior the establishment of business relationships in the team and constructive cooperation with each other. Employees should be polite, friendly, correct, attentive, and tolerant in dealing with patients, vacationers, and colleagues.
  3. Promote the implementation of the ideals of morality, honesty and social justice in professional activities.
  4. The appearance of the employee in the performance of their official duties, depending on the working conditions, should promote a respectful attitude of guests and patients to the Sanatorium "Krasno "and, if necessary, correspond to the generally accepted business style, which is distinguished by restraint, tradition, accuracy.
  5. Employees are required to learn and master new, modern technologies, to integrate them appropriately, delicately, and professionally into the life of the sanatorium.
  6. The medical care provided in the sanatorium should be safe and as effective as possible.
  7. Take measures aimed at protecting labor and health, creating safe necessary conditions for effective activity, as well as creating a favorable moral and psychological atmosphere that excludes any forms of discrimination and encroachments on the honor and dignity of patients, guests of the sanatorium and employees.
  8. Organize your work in the performance of official duties, observing the principles and tools of "Lean Manufacturing".