Colon Cancer Prevention Week

Colon cancer (or colorectal cancer) ranks fourth among all malignant tumors. The disease begins with the appearance of a small focus, which can only be detected by colonoscopy. But in order to prevent the appearance and development of this formidable disease, it is important to engage in prevention. Therefore, the doctors of the sanatorium "Beautifully" took part in an information campaign, and prepared conversations, leaflets, booklets and a book exhibition, urged all vacationers and employees to move more, visit the pool and water park, eat right. Prevention of this disease is available to everyone. What is important to know?

• Replace sausages, semi-finished products and canned food with beans, beans, fish, poultry or veal.

• Eat more foods rich in fiber — cauliflower and broccoli, beets, carrots, zucchini, apples and pears, and bread with bran.

• Exercise moderately daily. It has been reliably proven that physical activity reduces the risk of colon cancer by 70%. Swim, take walks and exercise.

• Give up smoking and drinking alcohol.

• Pass the examination and medical examination in a timely manner.

• Keep a positive emotional attitude.

Remember that the disease is easier to prevent than to treat!

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Less salt means more health

    World Salt Awareness Week is celebrated annually in the first days of November. By the word "salt" we most often mean table salt. As the saying goes: "Everything is good in moderation," and with salt this is especially true. It is important to observe the golden mean, to know that there is a daily norm of salt for a person, and to adhere to it, and this is no more than 5-8 grams per day. Salt is not food. It can cause water retention in the tissues. It clogs the ducts, and the fluid cannot leave the body. As a result, edema forms, and excess sodium chloride begins to accumulate. Sodium increases blood pressure, which is harmful to health in hypertension. If the disease develops, a stroke may occur. Excessive intake of salt into the body causes various diseases of the kidneys, liver, and heart.

    Health workers of the sanatorium "Krasivo" took part in popularizing a healthy lifestyle and promoting the reduction of salt intake and prepared conversations, films, booklets, leaflets for vacationers. The doctors of the sanatorium held a seminar - "Taste of Life" and a social advertising contest about self-restriction of salt and snacks. The purpose of the events is to reduce the consumption of salty foods in the diet of people in order to improve the health of the human population.

    We join the all-Russian movement to limit the use of salt and invite you to follow the minimum standards for the use of salty foods!

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Week of blood pressure control and heart rhythm disorders

Currently, cardiovascular diseases have come out on top all over the world. It is alarming that these diseases, recently, often occur at a young age and are the causes of serious outcomes. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases and training people to control blood pressure helps prevent heart disease. To do this, it is necessary to know what our heart does not love, and what it responds to with gratitude. The doctors of the sanatorium "Beautifully" have prepared an information campaign and teach vacationers competent prevention of cardiovascular diseases, control of pressure, pulse, monitoring the rhythm of the heart, explaining to everyone that this will help reduce the number of risks in patients suffering from hypertension, coronary heart disease and such formidable complications as myocardial infarction or stroke. When we talk about the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, we primarily mean a healthy lifestyle.

Here are the commandments for heart health that are available to everyone:

  • Give up smoking and alcohol.
  • Don't forget about physical activity.
  • Watch your weight, do not allow obesity.
  • Eat right: eat more vegetables and fruits, low-fat varieties of dairy products, lean meat and fish.
  • Do not refuse doctor's appointments and this will help you avoid complications and critical conditions, prolong your life.
  • Control your blood pressure, because high blood pressure can lead to a heart attack.
  • Monitor your cholesterol levels.

Be attentive to any changes in your well-being.

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World Healthy Eating Week

In the sanatorium "Krasno", special attention is paid to healthy nutrition, as it is one of the most important components of sanatorium treatment. The justified choice of diet, the quality of food and the methods of their culinary processing, calorie content, makes nutrition a powerful therapeutic factor. Catering specialists of the health resort treat such an important aspect with love and care and give preference to products of their own production, which are grown on the subsidiary farm of the sanatorium. This is a real eco–friendly production. The sanatorium has its own quail farm, apiary, gardens. Therefore, fresh and healthy quail eggs, honey, plums, apples fall on the tables of vacationers. For vacationers, a medicinal drink is prepared from oats grown in the fields of the sanatorium. Proactive employees responsible for catering for vacationers are constantly trained, participate in exhibitions, festivals and competitive events, introducing the best experience to the sanatorium. We believe that nutrition should be balanced, correct and environmentally friendly. The valuable project "Healthy Nutrition" is a useful information campaign using mass media, conversations, leaflets, booklets, films prepared by the doctors of the sanatorium.
During this week, we offer to watch videos about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and recommendations for switching to proper nutrition. The doctors of the sanatorium "Beautifully" urge every person to think about their health and daily diet, to make an informed choice every day so that healthy eating becomes an integral part of everyday traditions and lifestyle.

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World Breast Cancer Day

Every year about 4 million women can be saved if they are taught to take care of their health, prevention measures and early detection of cancer. The above questions make a woman think about herself.

In the sanatorium "Krasivo" more than a thousand women annually rest and restore their health on a voucher for the recovery of cancer patients who were able to defeat this formidable disease. A standard of health improvement and a special psychological program - "Give yourself a life" - have been developed for them. Every woman who is faced with this serious disease receives medical and psychological help. Doctors recommend that women undergo examinations more often, monitor their health. Thus, 98% of patients recover if the disease was diagnosed at an early stage. Medical workers of the sanatorium "Beautifully" have prepared memos, booklets, leaflets on the prevention of oncological diseases, the formation of attitudes to a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior. And a sociological study on a healthy lifestyle, which was conducted in the sanatorium "Beautifully", confirmed the correctness of the attitudes of modern women. A competent attitude to your body, regular checkups with a doctor, a healthy lifestyle and a good mood will improve a woman's quality of life.

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Healthy pregnancy week in a sanatorium

  From October 3 to 9, at the initiative of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the week of breastfeeding support and responsible attitude to reproductive health and healthy pregnancy began.

  During the year, 500 pregnant women are recovering in the Sanatorium "Krasivo", and a program of classes has been specially developed for them - "Myths, riddles and the magic of motherhood", which is implemented jointly with doctors and psychologists of the sanatorium. The training package includes specially selected lectures on the course of pregnancy, on breastfeeding the baby, conversations, films, exercises aimed at relaxation and muscle relaxation, as well as sessions of emotional and imaginative therapy.

  Every pregnant woman, except for the supervision of a gynecologist, at the first stage, receives advice from narrow specialists of the sanatorium: an endocrinologist, if necessary – a cardiologist and an individual consultation of a psychologist. Psychoprophylactic preparation of women for childbirth according to the program - "Myths, riddles and magic of motherhood" can significantly improve the psychological and emotional state of a pregnant woman. Pregnancy is the most charming period in a woman's life. The staff of the sanatorium "Beautifully" are trying to increase your happiness.

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World Heart Day is held in the sanatorium "Krasivo" under the motto "Heart for life"

  In the sanatorium "Krasivo", on the recommendation of the Ministry of Health, they initiated a week of a healthy heart. World Heart Day was first organized in 1999 on the initiative of the World Heart Federation and it has a fixed date – September 29.

  The sanatorium has developed an action plan for a memorable day, where the main goal is to raise awareness in society of the danger caused by the epidemic of cardiovascular diseases in the world, as well as to develop comprehensive preventive measures against coronary artery disease and cerebral stroke in all population groups.

  World Heart Day is held under the motto "Heart for Life". The program of the Day includes mass themed health evenings, public video lectures, scientific forums, exhibitions, production of booklets, organized walks and sports competitions. It will become our new tradition to hold events within the framework of the Heart Day dedicated to a specific topic related to heart health during the week. Our sanatorium joins the all-Russian movement and wishes everyone to learn how to take care of their heart, appreciate their health, take care of it, not undermine its work with bad habits, remember the calls of doctors around the world to observe a healthy lifestyle.

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World Patient Safety Day is a year-long holiday

The sanatorium "Krasivo" celebrates the World Patient Safety Day. Up-to-date information on ensuring medical safety of patients is constantly broadcast on screens and electronic displays. Since World Patient Protection Day is a fairly young holiday that has been celebrated for only a few years, its traditions are only being formed. The medical staff of the sanatorium "Krasivo", under the leadership of the acting chief physician Pankov Alexander Sergeevich, are preparing a variety of events, including the organization of informational and explanatory meetings, presentation of the goals of the World Patient Safety Day for the entire current year, press conferences, interactive classes and much more. According to the recommendation of the Ministry of Health, all events dedicated to the holiday will be held not only on September 17, but also throughout the year.

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"Medicine without harm"

By tradition, the medical staff of the sanatorium "Krasivo" took part in the All-Russian Day of Patient Safety. The main purpose of the World Patient Safety Day is to draw the attention of the world community to improving the quality of medical care.Acting Chief Pankov Alexander Sergeevich organized a conference of doctors, entitled - "Human health – an inter disciplinoach".

The event brought a lot of useful information to the aspect of patient safety. The main slogan – "Medicine without harm", is relevant in our time. It is the prevention or the maximum possible reduction of risks in the provision of medical care that is the main issue that draws the attention of physicians on September 17.

Patient safety is the main rule of any medical institution and attending physician. "First of all, do no harm." This is the oldest principle of medical ethics. It was this saying that in the XXI century became the foundation for the creation and holding of the World Patient Safety Day.

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World Patient Safety Day

On September 7, 2022, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, together with the Federal Service for Healthcare Supervision in Russia, planned events dedicated to the World Patient Safety Day in 2022.

Unsafe methods of drug treatment and errors in the use of medicines are among the leading causes of preventable harm to patients in medical institutions around the world. Medication errors are allowed where systemic deficiencies in the organization of drug therapy, as well as human factors, such as fatigue, unsatisfactory working conditions or lack of staff, affect the correctness of prescribing, accounting, vacation, taking medications and monitoring their use, which in turn can cause serious harm to the patient, lead to disability or even death.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has significantly increased the risk of such errors and related harm. Taking into account the enormous burden of the damage caused, the theme of the World Patient Safety Day 2022 was formulated as "Safe use of medicines", and its slogan is "Medicines without harm".

As part of the World Patient Safety Day in the Russian Federation in 2022, the following events are planned:

The All-Russian competition "Quality Leader in Healthcare". The competition is held for teams of healthcare professionals who have implemented successful projects aimed at improving the quality and safety of medical activities.

Link to participate in the All-Russian competition "Quality leader in healthcare".

All-Russian Olympiad on Safety in Healthcare. The goal is to identify the level of competence of medical workers in various areas of ensuring the safety of medical activities.

Regulations on holding the All-Russian Olympiad on Safety in Healthcare.

Interactive survey of patients and medical professionals on current safety issues. The purpose of the interactive survey is to analyze awareness of priority issues related to safety in receiving and providing medical care.

Link to participate in an interactive survey for patients.

Link to participate in an interactive survey for medical professionals.

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "International and Russian experience in ensuring drug safety"

Methodological materials for the preparation and holding of the World Patient Safety Day:

Booklet for medical professionals (printable format)

Booklet for patients (printable format)

Poster (format for printing and publication in electronic and paper sources of information)

Information help

Guidelines for the World Safety Day of Patients in 2022

Presentation for medical professionals

Presentation for patients

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