Opening of the beach season 2022

Dear guests of the sanatorium, since June 6, the water park and the swimming pool of the sanatorium are closed for annual maintenance. The preliminary opening date is June 27.

For the summer period, the bathing season officially opens and vacationers have the opportunity to visit our beach.

The beach is equipped with sun beds, changing rooms, shade canopies.There is a first aid station and a lifeguard.

You can take a ride on a catamaran or a boat.

Photo of the sanatorium Catamarans and boats on
Sanatorium photo Sun beds closer

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Relax in a sanatorium at prices of 2021

The sanatorium "Krasivo" has decided to change the approach to the pricing of sanatorium vouchers.

Now in our sanatorium there is a period of low season and high. The low season lasts from January 10 to April 30 and from November 1 to December 25.

The cost of a ticket in the low season does not increase and remains at the level of 2021. Now you have the opportunity to relax in our sanatorium at the prices of 2021.

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The work of the sanatorium for the New Year holidays of 2022

Dear vacationers, the sanatorium "Krasivo" invites you to spend the New Year's weekend with health benefits.

Working days of the sanatorium (procedures are carried out): January 3, 4, 5, 6. On December 31 and January 8, the sanatorium operates according to the Saturday schedule - only the procedures of the water and mud baths are released.

A medical post with a doctor on duty works around the clock, seven days a week.

We have everything in the sanatorium for a full-fledged family holiday.

A SPA with a wide range of treatments, a water park with a swimming pool, a gym are available for you.

On the territory of the sanatorium there is a rental point of equipment: sleds, cheesecakes, skis.

There is a common barbecue area, a zoo.

Arrival of vacationers is carried out seven days a week from 8.00 to 20.00.

We remind you that the admission of vacationers to the sanatorium is made in the presence of the following documents:

  1. QR code confirming receipt of the second component of the vaccine or a single-component vaccine against a new coronavirus infection;
    1. or a certificate confirming that a citizen moved novel coronavirus infection and the date of its recovery was not more than 6 months;
    2. or the result of testing for SARS-CoV-2 PCR, carried out not earlier than 2 days before visits;
    3. or availability of information (medical exemption) on the presence of medical contraindications to vaccination.
  2. certificate of the epidenvironment (issued at the polyclinic at the place of residence, it indicates that the person has not been in contact with infectious patients for the last 14 days).
  3. spa card;
  4. CHI policy;
  5. passport;

You can book a room and get advice on any questions by calling 8(800) 55-55-393

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Appointment of the chief physician

We are in a hurry to share with you an important event for us.

Starting today, Alexander Sergeevich Pankov has been appointed acting Chief Physician.

Alexander Sergeevich was hired at the sanatorium in 2010 as a surgeon. From 2011 to the present day he worked as an endoscopist.

For a significant personal contribution and ensuring production tasks, high professional skills were repeatedly encouraged by the management of the sanatorium. In 2013, the gratitude of the Head of the Borisovsky district was announced. In 2014, 2021, gratitude was expressed to the head of the Department of Health and Social Protection of the Belgorod region.

Alexander Sergeevich is loved by vacationers, which is confirmed by numerous entries in the book of reviews. Respected and appreciated by colleagues.

We would like to congratulate Alexander Sergeevich from the whole team on his new position and wish him success in his work!

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"New time" in the sanatorium "Krasivo"

On November 12, Acting Deputy Governor of the Belgorod Region Konstantin Kurgansky and Head of the Belgorod Region Health Department Andrey Ikonnikov introduced the new head of the sanatorium, Evgeny Yuryevich Litvin, to the staff of the sanatorium. We remind you that he is one of the participants of the personnel competition "New Time", initiated by the Governor of the Belgorod region Gladkov V.V.

Evgeny Yurievich knows firsthand about the work of the sanatorium, here he began his career.

He began his work in his new position by addressing the staff of the sanatorium:

"Dear employees of the sanatorium "Krasivo", on November 15, 2021, officially began his career in the organization. He took up his duties during a difficult period for the sanatorium, a period of intense epidemiological situation. In the current situation, we need to maintain a high level of sanatorium treatment, continue improving the health of citizens and provide related services. We must make every effort to improve the efficiency of our work, each employee is obliged to improve service and professional skills. Without exaggeration, the future of the organization depends on the dedication of each of us. I am sure that together we will cope with the difficulties that arise, I count on the support and understanding of each of you!"

In response, we want to say that the staff of the sanatorium fully supports the attitude of the director and will continue to keep the service at a high level.

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Exhibition dedicated to the World Patient Safety Day

Medical workers of the State Medical Institution "Sanatorium "Krasivo" have prepared an information exhibition dedicated to the World Patient Safety Day. It is no secret that the provision of medical care to people is often associated with certain risks, characterized by the degree of success of the patient's treatment, regardless of the chosen method of treatment: operative, medication, etc.It is the prevention or the maximum possible reduction of risks that is the main issue that draws the attention of doctors on the eve of the holiday on September 17. Paying attention to one of the fundamental principles of medicine: "First of all, do no harm!" is the basis of the World Patient Safety Day.

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Events dedicated to the "World Patient Safety Day"

On September 17, 2021, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, together with Roszdravnadzor and in cooperation with the WHO representative office in Russia, planned events dedicated to the World Patient Safety Day. The following slogan was chosen for the information campaign:"It is time to take urgent measures to ensure safe and decent childbirth!" This slogan calls on all interested parties to accelerate the activities to ensure safe and decent childbirth.

Information about the World Patient Safety Day is available on the website WHO, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and Roszdravnadzor in the relevant sections.

The following events are planned within the framework of the World Patient Safety Day in the Russian Federation in 2021:

Interactive map of the World Security Day

All-Russian competition "Quality Leader in Healthcare"

The competition is held for teams of specialists in the field of healthcare who have implemented successful projects aimed at improving the quality and safety of medical activities

Regulations on holding the All-Russian competition "Quality Leader in Healthcare"

Link to participate in the All-Russian competition "Quality Leader in Healthcare"

All-Russian Olympiad on Safety in Healthcare

Regulations on holding the All-Russian Olympiad on Safety in Healthcare

The goal is to identify the level of competence of medical workers in various areas of ensuring the safety of medical activities

Interactive survey of patients and medical professionals on current safety issues

The purpose of the interactive survey is to analyze awareness of priority issues related to safety in receiving and providing medical care.

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World Patient Safety Day in 2021

On September 17, 2021, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, together with Roszdravnadzor and in cooperation with the WHO representative office in Russia, planned events dedicated to the World Patient Safety Day. According to tradition, the doctors of the OGAUZ "Sanatorium "Krasivo " held a medical conference. In 2021 the theme "Safety in providing care to mothers and newborns" was chosen for the World Patient Safety Day due to the high burden of risk and harm to which women and newborns are exposed due to unsafe care during pregnancy and childbirth, and even more so, this problem has worsened in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Treatment of post-covoid syndrome

The sanatorium "Krasivo" carries out a complex of therapeutic measures aimed at the treatment of post-kidney syndrome, stimulating immunity and providing anti-stress effects.

To restore and normalize the work of the respiratory organs, the sanatorium program includes visits to a salt cave (speleotherapy), a course of inhalations, heat treatment, oxygen therapy in pressure chambers, ozone therapy, a special course of massage and physical therapy.

During speleotherapy, the anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effects of salt aerosols restore the organs of the bronchopulmonary system, reduce tissue edema and improve the patency of the respiratory tract.

Also, in the sanatorium, vacationers are offered a course of inhalations with medicinal herbs containing essential oils or with medications that are prescribed individually, taking into account concomitant diseases and the presence of contraindications.

Oxygen therapy in modern medical installations-pressure chambers for hyperbaric oxygenation-helps to eliminate oxygen starvation and normalize the work of internal organs after a viral infection, which leads to a violation of the oxygen regime of the body.

Many years of experience in the use of ozone therapy has been acquired in our sanatorium. Intravenous administration of ozonated saline solution is used as an anti-inflammatory, disinfecting, healing and immunomodulatory agent.

It is also possible to support the respiratory system by exposing the body to carbon dioxide through the skin - taking dry carbon dioxide baths.

For a complex therapeutic effect by warming up and stimulating local immunity, patients are prescribed mud applications on the chest and neck area. Also, traditional balneotherapy includes foam-licorice, turpentine coniferous baths, which have an expectorant, immunostimulating and soothing effect. To provide a tonic effect, a variety of therapeutic showers are used: a Charcot jet shower, as well as a more relaxing circular shower and a Vichy shower. Among the hardware methods, laser therapy and general magnetic therapy are widely used, which improve the work of the anticoagulation system of the blood, stimulate blood circulation, activate metabolic and regenerative processes.

The medical complex includes a special respiratory gymnastics, which allows not only to improve the function of external respiration, but also to have a restorative effect on all body systems, because proper breathing is one of the principles of good health.

General massage has a positive effect on the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems, relaxes and restores the body's strength. One of the most important effects of chest massage is its powerful cleansing and relaxing effect – it facilitates the evacuation of sputum from the respiratory tract, relieves inflammation and soothes cough.

The air of the pine forest is especially useful for people who have suffered from viral respiratory diseases. This air contains more than two hundred biologically active volatile substances. The air of the coniferous forest has powerful healing properties, thanks to the active release of phytoncides by coniferous trees, which disinfect the air and create a unique microclimate.

A very important stage, in addition to restoring the usual way of life after a long period of self-isolation, is to achieve inner harmony. Psychologists help to overcome fears, to survive anxiety and excitement at group and individual psychotherapy sessions. The main goal of such therapy is to teach the patient to control his physical condition, preventing the development of depression, shortness of breath or other similar reactions.

The objective advantage of treatment in the sanatorium is the possibility of receiving several procedures per day: mud treatment, therapeutic baths, herbal inhalations and massage.

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