Sanatorium nursery

The nursery of the sanatorium "Krasivo" employs 13 employees. All of them were trained in new methods of planting and processing trees in Michurinsk. We visited nurseries in the region and beyond. Our specialists work all year round. In winter, the special services prepare the soil for the greenhouse economy, develop technological maps for the current year, are engaged in pruning the garden, etc. The staff of the nursery pays special attention to pruning of fruit trees and shrubs.

As soon as the snow comes down, the nursery workers immediately start sowing seeds of flowers and vegetables. As soon as the seedlings germinate, its picking begins. To date, 15 thousand pieces of flower seedlings have been unpicked and 2 thousand pieces of annual flower seeds have been sown for spring implementation. Vegetable seedlings in the amount of 3 thousand pieces were also sown. Part of the grown products will be used for landscaping the territory of the health resort. The rest is sold to the population of the district.

The employees of the nursery are enthusiastically and closely engaged in the preparation of the soil, the sale of seedlings of fruit trees and ornamental shrubs. The varietal composition of the sold product is selected taking into account the current climatic conditions and the professionalism of the agronomist.

We invite everyone to visit the exhibition area of the sanatorium's nursery and purchase the necessary seedlings, as well as vegetable and flower seedlings for their household.

On the Day of the ecologist and every day, love for their work is inherent in everyone working in the nursery.

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Horse riding for health in the sanatorium

Horse riding is very popular among vacationers and employees of the Health Resort "Krasivo". This is a great opportunity to relax emotionally, relieve nervous tension and the burden of problems that constantly haunt us in the city bustle.

Just imagine: a walk on horseback in the early morning through the awakening forest, singing with all the voices of birds, or through a valley still wet with dew, or maybe along the river coast, deserted at this hour, and filled only with the noise of pines, wind, rustling leaves and other sounds of nature. Here you can immerse yourself in your own world, where the mind takes a break from constant thoughts, where the head becomes "clean", where the lungs breathe "full chest".

I would like to quote one of the first enthusiasts of therapeutic riding in France, Professor Yu.Lalleri, who said: "Riding a horse gives you a sense of independence, allows you to adapt to circumstances alone, while discovering that you can live with pleasure, and not just in tension and suffering."

"MAY-MONTH AGAINST SMOKING" and promotion of a healthy lifestyle

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Slim body with the help of outdoor exercise machines

Outdoor sports activities are very popular with vacationers and employees of the Health Resort "Krasivo". Today, outdoor sports equipment is gaining more and more popularity. In open spaces, classes are held most effectively and comfortably. Any workout improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and in the fresh air, the benefits of exercise increase significantly.

Physical activity helps the body to produce endorphins – "happiness hormones" that give a good mood. According to psychologists, training in the fresh air is better tolerated by the human body, compared to exercises in closed rooms. Outdoor exercise machines, without a doubt, bring great benefits to the physical form of a person. If only the person himself would have the desire to take care of himself and his health!

"MAY-THE MONTH AGAINST SMOKING" and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle!

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Live and prosper our planet

Live and prosper our planet

Employees of the Health Resort "Krasivo" enthusiastically took part in the cleaning of the territory and planted flowers. This is a manifestation of concern for the preservation of public health and nature. The problem of environmental protection has become one of the most important tasks, because in recent years irreversible changes in nature have begun to occur, which negatively affect human health.

As a result of the massive pollution of the natural environment, these problems have acquired an international character and have grown into a problem of the entire planet. Each employee of the sanatorium has made his own contribution to the reduction of environmental pollution.

Live and prosper our planet.

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Covid-19 vaccination

To date, more than 70% of employees, led by the director and heads of departments, have been vaccinated against COVID-19 in the Sanatorium "Krasivo".

Throughout the pandemic, we have been taking many unconventional and decisive measures to combat the threat of the spread of a new coronavirus infection. We have strengthened control over the implementation and compliance with sanitary and epidemiological measures, we are conducting explanatory work in the teams of employees and vacationers, with those who have not yet fully realized what terrible consequences can be from this virus and are thinking about doing vaccination or not.

We also urge everyone to respond to the request of the President of Russia and the acting Governor of the Belgorod region about the need for vaccination against COVID-19.

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World Health Day

World Health Day is held annually on April 7. It was on this day in 1948 that the decision was made to create the World Health Organization.

Every year, World Health Day is held under a certain slogan and has a clear theme. The theme of this day in 2021 is "Be healthy".

As part of the implementation of the goals and objectives of the national project "Health Care", on April 7, 2021, the launch of the initiative for the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture among schoolchildren – the All-Russian class hour "Be Healthy!" is announced. This project is implemented in conjunction with the online educational platform "", which is used by more than 8 million students from all regions of Russia, and involves holding an interactive lesson in all schools of Russia-a class hour about a healthy lifestyle.

Every employee of the sanatorium who has school-age children received a link to visual materials for family viewing of lessons about a healthy lifestyle.

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Choose your life

An hour of questions on the significant topic " Drugs-the trouble of civilization. Choose life" was held in the OGUZ "Sanatorium "Krasivo". In the period from 15 to 26 March 2021, the Belgorod Region is holding the All-Russian campaign "Tell us where they sell death", during which information and explanatory work is being conducted on the dangers of drugs. In the Health Resort "Krasno "among nurses held an" Hour of questions". Chief Medical Nurse Shushpanova Tatyana Nikolaevna I informed my colleagues about the All-Russian campaign "Tell me where they sell death". The main objectives of the event were to draw public attention to the problem of drug addiction and inform the population about the algorithm of actions in case of detection of drug distribution.

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Thematic medical conference of sanatorium "Krasivo" under the title "More taste – less salt"

    World Salt Awareness Week is celebrated annually in March. The goal of the event is to reduce the consumption of salt in the diet of people around the world in order to improve the health of the world's population. On this day, lectures and talks were held in the sanatorium for vacationers. Doctors held a conference on the topic "More taste – less salt". Each specialist had the opportunity to share their opinion on this topic. Doctors with many years of experience shared their experience and unique cases from practice, which enriched the knowledge of young doctors.

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International Day of Rare Diseases

By tradition, at the end of February, the Day of Patients with Rare Diseases is held. This important event has the goal of raising awareness about rare diseases and improving access to treatment and medical care for people with rare diseases.

On this day, a round table was held in the sanatorium. Each medical worker, participant of the event, could make a presentation on the topic of rare diseases and share their experience with patients who have orphan diseases. The round-table meeting of the sanatorium's doctors was informative and fruitful.

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