Fundamentals of rational nutrition

One of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle, more than 50%the determining state of human health is nutrition. Meetings with doctors,explanations, conversations, lectures, printed materials contributed to familiarization withthe basics of healthy nutrition of vacationers of the sanatorium "Beautifully".The occurrence of cardiovasculardiseases, diabetes mellitus, oncology is promoted by an unbalanced diet,replete with simple sugars, saturated fats, extra calories, butdeficient in important nutrients. Aggressive fast food advertising,a giant assortment of processed foods, cleverly constructed marketingretailers are encouraged to overconsumption of harmful products. It is importantto understand this and correctly fill your daily food basket.

There aresimple rules to make the diet not just healthy, but alsooptimal for a particular person:

  1. The balance between the energy coming from food andits consumption.
  2. Limitingsalt intake to 5 g per day (1 tsp). 
  3. Consumption of at least 400 g of seasonal vegetables,fruits, legumes.
  4. Reducing the amount of fat.Don't overeat!  

As the ancients said:

"Let foodbe your medicine! Otherwise, the medicine will become food!"

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Vegetables and fruits for health

The doctors of the sanatorium "Beautifully" have prepared lectures, talks, leaflets, booklets with information about rational nutrition and the benefits of eating vegetables and fruits for human health.

But, the most important thing is that vacationers have learned the knowledge that they need to eat, daily, at least 500 g, and preferably more, seasonal, local vegetables, fruits, legumes and leafy greens to provide the body with fiber. Soluble and insoluble dietary fibers are needed to prevent certain types of cancer, stimulate intestinal motility, maintain the balance of its microbiota, eliminate toxins, hormone metabolites and medications. Eating according to the plate rule, where 1/2 part is often vegetables and fruits, and 1/4 protein and starchy foods are an easy way to balance the diet and be healthy. And besides, vacationers were shown that colorful serving of dishes is very important in human nutrition. This has a positive effect on visual perception and improves mood. Take care of yourself, follow the rules of healthy eating!

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Happy New Year 2023! Merry Christmas!

On the eve of the New Year, it is customary to sum up and make new plans. The outgoing year 2022 was unique for each of us. He taught us to appreciate the main thing – health, to be attentive to our well-being and to help ourselves and our loved ones!

May the New Year 2023 bring each of us many new achievements, good health and love, let the plan come true! Let every home be filled with happiness and kindness. Let inspiration and love make life brighter and brighter, and the coming year will be joyful and brings a lot of positive emotions, health, prosperity and smiles on the faces of relatives and friends. Let the source of goodness and warmth in your soul warm you and your dear ones, relatives and loved ones! Let every month of the coming year be bright and unforgettable, and miracles happen more often than you dream about them! Let the events be significant and beautiful, and let life be prosperous and happy!

Come to the celebration of the New Year in the Sanatorium "Beautifully"!

Happy New Year! Merry Christmas!

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New Year's Eve in the sanatorium

Dear friends! Frost will strike very soon, snowflakes will swirl, and we will all look forward to the most magical, most fabulous night of the year. Of course, it is necessary to spend the old year and meet the new one in the circle of the closest and dearest.

The NOOSPHERE restaurant invites you to have fun and have fun in a cozy, festive atmosphere at the New Year's table. The ringing of glasses filled with sparkling champagne, cheerful communication, a bright program, contests, dizzying dances, entertainment, sincere congratulations and unforgettable emotions are waiting for you.

Come to celebrate the New Year in the Sanatorium "Beautifully"!

New Year's Eve cost:

  • adult – 4600 rubles.
  • children's – 4100 rubles.

The time of the New Year 's program is from 22-00 to 3-00 hours .

You can book a table by phone: 8(800) 55-55-393

New Year's menu

    1. Assorted meat (pork, chicken roll, carpacho, sausage house.) 
    2. Assorted vegetables (tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, greens) 
    3. Salmon rolls with cottage cheese and caviar
    4. Pickled cabbage
    5. Homemade jelly
    6. Prestige Salad
    7. Tartlets with mushrooms and chicken
    8. Pancakes stuffed with pink salmon
    9. Chicken fillet baked with vegetables
    10. Rustic potatoes with sauce
    11. Fruits (tangerines, grapes) 
    12. Dessert "Air cloud"
    13. Bread   
    14. Juices in the assortment  
    15. Mineral water "Beautifully" gas/negaz


    Champagne p/sl. 1/375

Photo of the sanatorium Dance floor - view from the 2nd floor
Photo of the sanatorium Christmas tree on the 1st floor
Sanatorium photo View from the second floor
Photo of the sanatorium Hall for 12 people
Photo of the sanatorium Hall for 8 people
Photo of the sanatorium Hall for 6 persons

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Week of popularization of the use of berries and fruits in winter

Berries and fruits are healthy foods, and in winter it is a drop of sunny summer on a plate.

From December 19 to December 25, the "Week of popularization of the consumption of fruits and berries in winter" started in the sanatorium "Beautifully". Thanks to meetings with doctors of the sanatorium, lectures, conversations, printed materials, vacationers learned what amount of fruits and berries is sufficient in the human diet.

Lovers of garden gifts are ready to crunch fruits and berries constantly, without needing any recommendations. And for those who do not consider fruits and berries as the basis of the diet and have not been accustomed to them since childhood, experts have developed a simple formula - at least 5 servings of fruits and berries per day, at any time of the year. Especially in winter we need to support our body. So, every person over 5 years old, in order to stay healthy, should eat at least 5 servings of different berries and fruits a day. One serving for each person is the volume of fruits and berries that can fit in his handful. A handful of a five-year-old child is much smaller than a handful of an adult man, and their portions naturally vary according to size and body weight. One serving of an adult, on average, is, for example, 2 apples, a pear, a bunch of grapes, 4-5 plums, a glass of juice. Five servings for an average adult, in weight equivalent, amount to about 300 – 400 grams of fruits and berries per day, which corresponds to the WHO recommendation.

The fruits and berries that come to the tables of our vacationers are grown in the gardens of the sanatorium, environmentally friendly. And skillful chefs, fulfilling the wishes of customers, bake fragrant apples and pears, prepare fruit salads, freshly squeezed juices that remind us of a bright summer in winter.

Come to the "Beautiful" for health!

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Week of health promotion and promotion of a healthy lifestyle

From December 12 to 18, the sanatorium "Krasivo" takes part in the holiday dedicated to the Week of Health Promotion. As part of the significant date, round tables, seminars, meetings and conversations with vacationers were organized. Events are also held in the departments of labor collectives, for employees of the sanatorium.

The Russian Federation is currently experiencing a turning point in the development of the public health system, which is due to both the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic and a number of measures aimed at transforming this system in our country. As part of the Health Week, vacationers and employees of our sanatorium took advantage of a unique opportunity to get up-to-date information and ask questions to doctors in the field of health promotion.

Health workers of the sanatorium have prepared an informational event - "An hour of questions and answers", lectures, booklets and leaflets. The meetings were informative and informative in nature and were productive for the participants. It is important to understand that a healthy lifestyle is not a pill that instantly eliminates all ailments. This is the principle of life, a special worldview and daily pleasant work on yourself, which, in the end, will definitely be crowned with success.

We wish you good health!

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Active longevity "Golden Age" is a new stage in a person's life

From December 5 to December 11, a week of strengthening the health of people of the "Golden Age" is held in the sanatorium "Krasivo", and more than six thousand people rest in the sanatorium during the year. Some possibilities of such people are really limited, but their will, moral strength, endurance and hard work know no bounds.

Activities aimed at maintaining and improving health in the "Golden Age" are included in the "Longevity" program and often represent combined schemes for the prevention of diseases. The most common types of health promotion activities include: health education, behavior change and health awareness. Physical activity is useful at any age, and it is welcomed by doctors.

To date, there are many sections and specially designed sports programs in the sanatorium "Krasivo", where optimal physical activity is selected for people at the "Golden Age" who want to lead a healthy lifestyle. The sanatorium has a large sports hall, gyms, a swimming pool, a water park, a hall and playgrounds for tennis and volleyball, a shooting range, terrancours, velomobiles and bicycles, a psychological relaxation room. It is absolutely possible to say that a rational motor regime, balanced nutrition, swimming, exercise, relaxation and auto-training, reading fiction is a healing spring and a source of activity, health and longevity.

Come to the sanatorium "Beautifully" for health and longevity!

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A month in the sanatorium – "AIDS is a tragedy of humanity"

In the sanatorium "Krasivo" month, entitled: "AIDS is a tragedy of humanity", is held from November 18 to December 18. The purpose of the month is to attract public attention to the problem of the spread of AIDS, as well as its prevention.

During this period, various thematic mass and informational events are planned, aimed at forming a healthy lifestyle, preserving and strengthening the health of vacationers and employees. During this period, we will hold contests, promotions, talks, conferences, seminars and demonstrate scientific polar documentaries about a healthy lifestyle. Medical specialists remind of the importance of regular prevention of this disease. Summing up the results of the month will take place in December with the presentation of diplomas to the most active participants and listeners of the events.

Warned means armed. That is why it is important to inform vacationers about a healthy lifestyle, about real life values. We urge every vacationer and employee to listen to the voice of reason and observe personal preventive measures.

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Man is what he eats

From November 21 to 27, the "Calorie counting Week" started in the sanatorium "Krasivo". The most effective and safe way to improve well-being is to count the calorie content of foods consumed. To keep a competent calorie count for a rational and balanced diet, it is enough to read the recommendations of doctors and decide to follow the rules of a healthy diet.

The sanatorium has all the possibilities for this. After all, the best and environmentally friendly products of their own farms come to the tables of vacationers every day. And experienced doctors and dietary nurses will take care of the calorie content of the dishes. During the week, the doctors of the sanatorium will teach vacationers and employees the method of counting calories – "Take control of life." The technique is fascinating and stimulates reasonable adherence to the diet in nutrition, allows you to maintain the desired physical shape and make your eating behavior more competent and balanced. A scientific approach to this issue will help to gradually correct eating habits.

Counting calories will allow you not to give up eating certain dishes and make life more comfortable. After all, our ancestors were right a thousand times when they said, "A man is what he eats." The popularity of Calorie Counting Week is proof of that. We wish you good health!

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tobacco withdrawal week

Every year, in November, the International Day of Quitting Smoking is celebrated. Employees of the sanatorium "Krasivo" support this holiday. Its purpose is to draw public attention to the problem of tobacco addiction.

Sanatorium doctors - cardiologists, therapists and narrow specialists, offer smokers to give up the addiction, conduct conversations and meetings with vacationers. The sanatorium has organized a "Smoking cessation School" in which vacationers who have decided to give up tobacco are engaged. Medical workers prepared booklets, leaflets and organized exhibitions of scientific literature on the dangers of smoking and colorful, informative and informational tables.

Such an emphasis on the problem of tobacco smoking is not accidental, because tobacco addiction is recognized as one of the most widespread in the history of mankind. That is why the International Day of Quitting Smoking is designed to protect the younger generation from the desire to start smoking. Now there are more and more people who have a negative attitude to alcohol and tobacco. They bring into fashion smartness, athletic appearance, simplicity and politeness in communicating with others, focus on a healthy lifestyle. In this way they resist habits that weaken the will and dull the intellect. Quitting smoking is not so difficult. Sports, travel, lack of contact with smokers will help get rid of tobacco and the threat of cancer, chronic bronchitis and other diseases. And, in general, folk wisdom is right a thousand times – All the vices are from idleness.

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