This year, the World Antimicrobial Resistance Week is held under the slogan "Let's join forces to counter antimicrobial resistance". Antimicrobial resistance (UPP) occurs as a result of the gradual mutation of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, and their loss of susceptibility to drugs, which complicates the treatment of infections and increases the risk of the spread, severe course and fatal outcome of diseases. Drug resistance makes antibiotics and other antimicrobials ineffective and gradually complicates or makes it impossible to treat infections.
The World Antimicrobial Use Week is an annual global campaign designed to stimulate knowledge and understanding of the problem of SCP and to help all parties who have a leading role in reducing the formation and spread of SCP – the public, representatives of sectors interested in the implementation of the "One Health" concept, and policy makers – in the introduction of best practices to solve the problem. Sanatorium "Beautifully" joins the infocompania. The events held by the doctors of the sanatorium "Krasivo" are relevant and significant. Medical workers prepared booklets, lectures, talks, films and videos in which they revealed the risk factors of the problem. We wish you good health!
World Diabetes Day was established in 1991 by the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization and is celebrated on November 14. Its purpose is to inform all people about the symptoms and prevention of a dangerous disease. Medical workers of the sanatorium "Beautifully" join the infocampania. The purpose of the event is to raise awareness about the disease in children and adults living with diabetes. The diabetes school of the sanatorium "Beautifully" operates year-round and is open to all vacationers. An experienced endocrinologist Pankova Svetlana Sergeevna has developed a program of classes with vacationers about the prevention of diabetes and successfully implements it.
Here are just some of the events that are held this week in the sanatorium:
• conducting classes on proper nutrition for the prevention of diabetes;
• watching films about diabetes and publishing publications in the press;
• conversations on early diagnosis of the disease and its complications;
• public information meetings, organization of press conferences;
• distribution of booklets and leaflets about diabetes.
Prevention of diabetes in patients takes place more efficiently thanks to a set of measures. Diabetes is not a sentence, but a way of life. Remember that! You just need to take control of your life. We wish you good health!
Medical workers of the sanatorium "Krasivo" conduct infocampania - Breathing is life. The quality of our breath is the quality of our life. Our breathing is closely connected with our emotions, feelings and experiences. We breathe easily when we are happy. We lack breath when we are outraged. The breath accompanies us everywhere, all our life! Our breath is our friend and helper.
It is important to remember that respiratory diseases are divided into infectious (influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis), inflammatory (bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy) and allergic (bronchial asthma). In addition to infections, harmful environmental factors have a negative impact on the respiratory tract. Therefore, in order to avoid respiratory diseases, it is necessary to adhere to some preventive measures.
Prevention of respiratory diseases:
• In the first place - walking in the fresh air is the key to respiratory health.
• Proper breathing. Proper and natural breathing is breathing through the nose, passing through its cavity, the air enters the nasopharynx, where it becomes cleaner and warmer.
• Breathing exercises. As a prevention of respiratory diseases, it is advisable to do breathing exercises daily. For example, Strelnikova's breathing exercises.
• Healthy lifestyle, physical activity. Proper nutrition, hardening, quitting smoking — all this helps to increase the body's resistance to infections.
• Avoid large crowds. Wear personal protective equipment during the epidemic of viral diseases.
• Follow the rules of personal hygiene. Wash your hands after the street and visiting public places.
Take care of yourself and be healthy!
At the initiative of the International Association for Stress Management, established in 1973, Stress Awareness Day is celebrated annually in November. This day is designed to remind you once again that you need to take care not only of your physical condition, but also of your mental state, especially to be able to cope with stress.
On an ongoing basis, throughout the year, the specialists of the Sanatorium "Beautifully" hold events dedicated to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, training of vacationers and employees of the coping strategy (including stress as a factor forming professional burnout). The sanatorium hosts lectures, talks, movie screenings, and the distribution of booklets and leaflets about stress prevention.
The main methods of stress regulation are available to everyone:
* In order to cope with stress more effectively, it is necessary to strengthen the general state of health through proper nutrition, proper rest and sports.
* "The 60-second rule". Never postpone things that only take one minute to complete. Having crossed out a few things from a huge list, you will feel a huge relief.
* Get distracted and find a pleasant healthy leisure time for yourself, which will be a way for you to relax and have fun. Share your experiences with your loved ones. Learn to draw, sing, embroider.
* Stay optimistic, smile and learn to say "no" while maintaining boundaries.
* Learn simple meditations and spend a few minutes a day doing it.
* Seek qualified help from psychologists.
* And, of course, try to fix the annoying situation.
We wish you health and positivity!
From October 23 to October 29, 2023, the Stroke Control Week is held. For the first time this day was celebrated on October 29 in 2004, when the World Health Organization declared stroke a global epidemic. This initiative of WHO and partners is dedicated to the dissemination of information about such a frequent and dangerous disease as stroke.
Doctors of the sanatorium "Beautifully" join the infocampania and conduct lectures and talks, seminars and meetings with vacationers, distribute booklets and leaflets.
Stroke is brain damage, which can be caused by blockage of blood vessels, a ruptured blood clot and many other factors. In all cases, hemorrhage occurs and the oxygen supply to the brain cells stops. With such a disease, urgent hospitalization and emergency treatment are necessary.
Risk factors:
• arterial hypertension and elevated cholesterol levels in the blood;
• atherosclerosis;
• smoking and bad habits;
• diabetes and old age;
• past and existing heart diseases, especially atrial fibrillation and myocardial infarction.
The presence of concomitant diseases, which include hypertension, high cholesterol in the blood, diabetes and obesity - contribute to the risk of stroke. Visit a doctor, monitor blood pressure and take tests.
Take care of yourself! We wish you good health!
The World Osteoporosis Week is traditionally celebrated all over the world from October 16 to 22! This infocampany is an important event affecting one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The purpose of this week is to expand the knowledge of the population about the problem of osteoporosis. Medical workers of the sanatorium "Krasivo" join the infocampany and prepare lectures, booklets, leaflets. Meetings with vacationers are informative and informative.
According to the World Health Organization, osteoporosis ranks 4th in prevalence among other non-communicable diseases, second only to cardiovascular diseases, oncology and diabetes mellitus. Osteoporosis is called a "silent disease" because it may not manifest itself for years. This is an insidious disease in which the volume of bone mass decreases and its quality is impaired, which leads to bone fragility and the risk of fractures.
How to prevent osteoporosis?
• Discuss with your doctor the risk factors for osteoporosis and the complex of necessary examinations;
• Adjust the vitamin D level in case of its deficiency, coordinate with a specialist a preventive dose of vitamin D3;
• Eat foods containing calcium. With its deficiency, the risk of osteoporosis is increased;
• Have enough physical activity to not lose bone and muscle mass. Walk, ride a bike;
• Pass densitometry.
We wish you good health!
Every year from October 10 to 15, World Mental Health Day is celebrated, which is held with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO) in order to inform society about mental health problems, because this is a state of well-being in which a person realizes his abilities, can withstand ordinary life stress, work productively and contribute to society.
In this positive sense, mental health is the basis of human well-being and effective activity of society. A mentally healthy person adequately perceives the surrounding reality, is interested in the world around him, changes his behavior under the influence of external circumstances, feels harmonious, capable of introspection and self-criticism.
Medical workers of the sanatorium "Beautifully" support infocampania. Modern life is full of stress. But we can reduce its health impact by following a number of rules:
Smile, be always positive, love yourself and the world around you – it is beneficial in all respects!
Every year from October 1 to October 7, the celebration of World Breastfeeding Week takes place all over the world. The choice of the date of the holiday is not accidental, it was during this period, in 1990, the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) adopted a Declaration - "Protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding". This document outlined the benefits and importance of breastfeeding, set goals to increase the prevalence of breastfeeding worldwide and methods to achieve these goals. The World Breastfeeding Week was conceived as one of the strategic methods of popularization and support of natural breastfeeding of children.
Sanatorium "Krasivo» joins the infocampania. During the year, more than 300 pregnant women are recovering in the Sanatorium "Beautifully", and a program of classes has been specially developed for them - "Myths, riddles and the magic of motherhood", which is implemented jointly with doctors and psychologists of the sanatorium.
Proper nutrition of mothers, exclusive breastfeeding and optimal nutrition in infants and young children are key factors that affect the reduction of the risk of non-communicable diseases in both mothers and their children, as well as their full growth and development. Pregnancy is the most amazing period in a woman's life.
The staff of the sanatorium "Beautifully" are trying to increase your happiness.
World Heart Day was first organized in 1999 on the initiative of the World Heart Federation (WFS). It is an international organization that unites patients, doctors and scientists dealing with medical problems into a global community to combat cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The VFS promotes the fundamental right of every inhabitant of the planet to a healthy heart, to receive information about cardiovascular risks and medical care.
World Heart Day is a global campaign in which individuals, families, communities and governments around the world participate in activities aimed at taking care of the health of their hearts and the health of others. Through this campaign, the World Heart Federation unites people from all countries and walks of life in the fight against the burden of CVD, and inspires and stimulates international action to promote a healthy lifestyle around the world.
The doctors of the sanatorium "Beautifully join the infocampania and inform patients about how to keep the heart healthy. Moreover, the recreation, medical and sports facilities of the sanatorium "Beautifully" contribute to this. Walking through the coniferous forest and relaxing by the river, a unique combination of resort factors and landscape design, all this together gives health to vacationers. Lectures and conversations of doctors are aimed at teaching people that by giving up tobacco, alcohol, unhealthy diet and showing physical activity, you can keep your heart healthy. Take care of yourself! We wish you good health!
Physiotherapy Week is a professional holiday celebrated in Russia from 08 to 24 September. The information campaign is designed to highlight the importance and contribution of physiotherapists to healthcare, as well as to increase public awareness of the role of physiotherapy in medical practice. Physiotherapy is a medical discipline that uses physical methods of treatment to improve the health of patients and is very popular in the sanatorium "Beautifully". The idea to establish a holiday arose on the initiative of the International Confederation of Physiotherapy, in 1951, in order to recognize the important role of physiotherapy in medical practice and increase the prestige of this profession. The Russian School of Physiotherapy is rightfully recognized as one of the strongest. The holiday is also aimed at drawing attention to new technologies and methods in the field of physiotherapy and their impact on the quality of life of patients. The celebration of the week of physiotherapy in the sanatorium "Beautifully" includes a variety of events aimed at the importance of the role and importance of physiotherapy in sanatorium treatment. These days doctors hold seminars, conferences, master classes and lectures dedicated to the invaluable benefits of physiotherapy. It is absolutely possible to say that the competent use of physiotherapy methods is a healing spring and a source of activity, health and longevity. Come to the sanatorium "Beautifully" for health!