Obesity treatment in conditions of sanatoriums

Computerization and automation of all spheres of life, sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, leads to the fact that a person gradually gains weight. This may be related to metabolic disturbances in the body and this nutritional factor (overeating).

Treatment of obesity in the conditions of sanatorium provides  the whole complex of therapeutic measures. The first thing you should pay attention to is nutrition in a sanatorium. Diet guests with obesity is fractional and distinctive. So, completely eliminated fatty and high-calorie meals, and salty, spicy and fried foods, which can contribute to reduction in the rate of weight reduction and water retention in the body.

Also highlighted  physical therapy and active rest. Good results are  swimming in the pool, water aerobics and other water treatments, they are not really  exhausting loads contributed to the intensification of metabolic processes. The increased metabolism minimaliseren deposition of body fat.

an Effective method is the use of therapeutic massage, the impact on the problem areas it helps to eliminate excess fluid from the intercellular space, thus reduces the manifestations of "orange peel".

in Addition to  proper diet and exercise, for best results, the program weight loss supplemented with some  physical factors.

Among them:

Ozonoterapiya, which has antihypoxic and immunomodulating, helps to drop those extra pounds and positive effect on General health of the patient;

Electrostimulated that influence on the fatty tissue by electric current, resulting in aktiviziruyutsya metabolic processes;

Hydrotherapy,  during which the colon cleanse to prevent reverse suction of toxic products in the blood;

Lymphatic drainage massage aims to provide the best lymph drainage patency, because lymph removes from the body toxins, toxins, excess water.

Hydrotherapy treatments to help improve the metabolism and normalize the functioning of the Central nervous system, helps to lower cholesterol;

mineral water Treatment that allows to excrete excess fluid and normalize metabolism.

obesity Treatment in the sanatorium is not only interesting and effective but also as comfortable as possible. Active rest  has a greater load on the lower limbs and body in General. For this purpose the sanatorium is a complex of techniques and relaxing activities. SPA treatments, phytotherapy, physiotherapy, reflexology, aromatherapy, speleotherapy will help  You relax and rejuvenate after an active day.

Proper nutrition and the procedure can be combined with the following types of physical activity:

  • Long walks;
  • Tourism and hospitality;
  • Sports exercises (swimming, water aerobics, Cycling)
  • Mobile sports games (badminton, tennis, volleyball).

Regular physical activity not only help to lose weight, but also improve overall health. If you do it constantly and consistently, the desired result will not keep itself waiting long.

dietitian, Panasenko G. G.

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To the sanatorium, not only for health

We all used to go to a sanatorium for health. In our sanatorium there are qualified professionals, powerful diagnostic base, a large range of treatments, clean air and beautiful nature.

Belgorod already so accustomed to high service in the resort, we increasingly difficult to surprise tourists. But in the spring of 2014, the sanatorium was to provide vacationers leaving from vacation, a new service. After relaxing at the Spa, You can buy in the sanatorium plants are grown in our own nursery.

the Choice of plants is great. There is a zoned seedlings of fruit trees established in our region. It is also possible to buy ornamental plants that are used in the landscape of the sanatorium.

Now, if, having walked around the resort, you like plant, you can buy seedlings of this plant for a home, call 33-145 in club resort.

Receiving plant, you will receive written instructions on how to plant, where to plant and how to care for this plant.

a full list of products nursery can be found on the website of the kennel sanatorium; All products are in stock, prices are relevant.

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Densitometry and osteoporosis

What is osteoporosis?

This is a disease of the skeleton, which is expressed in a decrease in the density of bone tissue and, as a result, a decrease in its strength. Women are most susceptible to osteoporosis. Bone thinning in women begins at the age of 25 and accelerates significantly after menopause. Men are much less susceptible to osteoporosis. With osteoporosis, microarchitectonics is disrupted, the bone becomes thin and brittle. Osteoporosis is secretive and has no specific symptoms. Often a person learns about it after the fracture is received. The skeleton is deformed - the vertebrae are flattened, the spine is curved. Flattened vertebrae squeeze the roots of the spinal cord especially often in the lumbar region, which leads to back pain and limited mobility. Osteoporosis dramatically increases the likelihood of fractures. In those situations when a healthy person gets off with a minor bruise, a person suffering from osteoporosis risks being bedridden for a long time.

What is Densitometry?

Bone densitometry is used to determine the health of bones and exclude the risk of bone fractures. Early detection of osteoporosis allows you to take timely measures to prevent pathological fractures.

An ordinary X-ray allows you to determine osteoporosis "by eye" when 20-30% of the bone mass has already been lost. In the last two decades, highly effective devices for bone-densitometric studies have been developed, allowing to quantify bone losses and diagnose them at the early stages of osteoporosis with an accuracy of 2-5% in different parts of the skeleton.

X-ray methods of bone densitometry are based on measuring the density of the X-ray radiation flux passing through the bone tissue. A narrow and very low-power beam of X-rays is directed to the measured area of the bone and the intensity of the beam passed through the bone is recorded by the detector. The more the bone delays the flow of rays, the greater its density.

The radiation dose received by the patient during densitometry is very low-less than one tenth of the dose with standard chest radiography.

Who is shown densitometry?

  • Women, in the first few years after menopause (especially after ovarian removal);
  • All people who have two or more risk factors for osteoporosis;
  • All people who have had one or more fractures over the age of 40 years not related to serious accidents (car accident, fall from a great height, sports injuries);
  • People who have been taking glucocorticoid hormones (prednisone, hydrocortisone), thyroid hormones for a long time;
  • People who are suspected of osteoporosis during an X-ray examination of bones;
  • People receiving drug therapy for osteoporosis to monitor the effectiveness of treatment

How to prepare for densitometry?

Eat as usual, but stop taking calcium supplements at least a day before the examination. If you have recently undergone a barium examination or a computed tomography (CT) scan using a contrast agent or a radioisotope scan, tell your doctor about it. You may have to wait 10-14 days before doing a DEXA study. If there is the slightest chance that you are pregnant, tell your doctor about it.

How do they do densitometry?

Densitometry takes 10 -15 minutes. You will need to lie down on a table upholstered with a soft material, under which the radiation source is located. There is a sensor above the table.In the sanatorium" Krasno", the loss of bone density in the lumbar spine and in the upper part of the femur is being investigated. Most osteoporosis-related fractures occur in these areas.

What will I experience during densitometry?

You will not experience anything. A person does not have receptors that can respond to X-ray radiation. Moreover, it is as weak as in a densitometer. When you are on the table, you may be asked to maintain the set position for a short time while the device console moves above you, taking measurements. During the examination, you should try to maintain complete immobility so that the image is clear. The examination is painless, and the radiation dose is very low.

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A blood test for glycated hemoglobin

Our sanatorium constantly expands and improves the range of services. Now clinical diagnostic laboratory sanatorium can offer You to determine your level of glycated hemoglobin.

for a Long time, traditionally for the diagnosis of diabetes and assess the effectiveness of the treatment, the blood glucose was used as the only indicator. In the last decade, along with the study of blood sugar levels, widely used blood test for glycated hemoglobin, which allows you to track average glucose content in the blood plasma within the previous three months.

If your doctor has a suspicion of diabetes, this analysis needs to be done. It allows to identify diabetes in its early stages and begin treatment or to calm a person, if diabetes had not.

This important blood test is the most informative and convenient in comparison with a standard determination of the level of blood sugar. It is used to assess the quality of diabetes treatment for the preceding three months, which allows time to correct treatment and diet. This informative analysis is particularly relevant for doctors in our sanatorium, as it allows to trace the sugar level during the time that the camper was at home. And analysis to make recommendations for treatment and to adjust the visiting procedures of the sanatorium.

who says this test is optimal and necessary for follow up of patients with diabetes, who need to conduct a study of the level of glycated hemoglobin at regular intervals for 3 months.

in addition, this analysis has several advantages over the analysis of blood glucose and before the test on glucose tolerance. One of these advantages, it can be done at any time regardless of the meal, it is more efficiently and accurately allows to identify diabetes in its early stages allows doctors to understand how adequate hypoglycemic therapy was getting sick for the last 3 months and control your blood sugar levels.

Endocrinologist sanatorium pan'kova, S. S.

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Complex RedCord

Unique kinezioterapevticheskiye technology "of RedCord" is intended for the treatment of diseases of musculoskeletal system using techniques of neuromuscular activation.

Treatment consists of specially - selected exercises and techniques with the use of specialized hanging systems and gives a quick and lasting result in various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the characteristic manifestations of which are:

  • lower back Pain (lumbalgia, sciatica).
  • neck Pain.
  • pain in the shoulders.
  • Different types of headaches.
  • "tennis elbow"/"computer" hand.
  • pain in the knee and ankle joints.
  • back Injury, neck, spine (from a sudden sharp movement).
  • pain in the region of the pelvic girdle.
  • Other diseases.

Studies have shown that immobility (lack of exercise) or pain can deactivate one or more muscles, forcing other muscles to compensate and become tense or paramtablename. This often leads to impaired mobility and pain.

the Newly developed technique of treatment by neuro - muscular activation of the muscles is aimed at stimulation of fully or partially deactivated muscles. Such treatment often causes immediate improvement in acute and chronic muscle pain in just one treatment.

exercises using unique methods and equipment is an effective way to train functional strength and prevention of injuries (traumas),used in medicine, fitness and world-class athletes around the world.

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